Culture of culture

Scientific peer-reviewed electronic periodical
Since 2014




E.A. Orlova. The anthropological foundations of scientific knowledge




A.V. Kostin, A.Ya. Flier. Ternary functional model of culture (continued)

N.A. Khrenov. Russian culture at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries: the Gnostic "Renaissance" in the context of symbolism (continued)

V.M. Rozin. Some features of modern art

V.I. Ionesov. Memory of things in images and plots of cultural introspection




A.Ya. Flier. Social and organizational functions of culture

M.I. Kozyakova. The Ancient cosmos and its evolution: ritual, spectacle, entertainment

N.A. Malshina. The post-non-classical paradigm in the study of the Russian cultural industry: A new type of rationality and value system

N.A. Khrenov. A Century later: the tragic experience of Soviet Culture (continued)

Announcement of the next issue


Nikolay Andreevich Khrenov,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
All-Russian State University
of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov,

Culture and technology:
from the organ projection of E. Kappa to the objectification of Hegel's spirit
(Semiotic turn in the culture of the twentieth century)

Abstract: The article raises the question of the relationship between culture and technology. In this case, technologies should be understood primarily as those media that have appeared since the nineteenth century, i.e. since the appearance of photography as the starting point of invasion into the culture of many languages associated with the dominance of the visual principle. Media in their modern forms, having arisen on the basis of technology, have themselves become the basis of new forms of functioning of art, including artistic experiments. The use of technology for artistic purposes contributes to the awareness of the cultural meaning of technology. To identify this meaning, the article uses both the idea of organ projection existing in the philosophy of technology, and the Hegelian concept of externalization or objectification of the Spirit. Relying on later interpretations of the concept of objectification, the author, when explaining the principle of media operation, reveals its reverse side associated with the effect of alienation, which makes it possible to fix the not always positive consequences of the invasion of technology into culture. The result of the conducted research is the presentation of the situation of technology intrusion into culture in the form of new sign systems or languages. The semiotic analysis used by the author makes it possible to identify those periods in the history of culture that are based on the sign. Semiotic analysis of the successive emergence of different media in the history makes it clear that they are all phases of the formation of a single gestalt, namely, what is now called virtual reality, and previously was usually not taken into account.

Keywords: culture, technology, media, virtual reality, photography, cinema, television, Internet, writing, book printing, externalization, objectification, organ projection, tactility, transcendence, sign, symbol, eidos, simulacrum, modern, postmodern, Plato's cave, Plato, Kapp, Rousseau, Florensky, Hegel, McLuhan, Barbier, Heidegger, Gutenberg, Sandrard, Manovich, Eco, Freud, Sontag, Krauss, Deleuze, semiotic analysis.


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ISSN 2311-3723

OOO «Soglasie» publisher

Scientific Association of Culture Researchers

Official registration № ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 56414 от 11.12.2013

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Issued quarterly in electronic form only


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A. Flier

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T. Glazkova

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